There are ten other people's profiles alongside your own. Eliminate the five most dangerous of them.
LinkedIn designs its website to make you spend as much time as possible there, so they can monetise that through advertising and premium subscriptions.
They do this by distracting you with shiny things. And they use psychology to get you to do what makes them more money.
One of the ways that they distract people is to show two lists of people on the right hand side of the screen. This doesn't happen on your phone, only when viewing through a browser on a larger screen.
Of course, they don't show you this when you look at your own profile.
You can remove the first five 'also viewed' profiles. You can stop them from ever appearing when people view your profile.
The 'People also viewed' panel alongside your profile. You don't see this when editing your own profile.
You can't remove the second group. But this group of people are far less dangerous. They are people the viewer may know — far less likely to be in a similar geography, industry or job as you are.
They are unlikely to be competing with you. A separate algorithm is at work here.
The 'People you may know' panel can't be removed
The algorithms choose the first group of people with intent. These people are as enticing as possible, to lure you away from the current profile you are viewing.
These profiles are very close in proximity to you personally and professionally. This is especially the case when people find you via a search.
That makes them a big distraction. But the good news is you can remove that distraction with a simple settings change.
Shortcut to where you can change this setting —
The setting is a simple toggle — On or Off. You want to say Off.
Toggle this setting to 'Off'.
LinkedIn just loves to keep people clicking on as many profiles as possible. But you want people to focus on you when they are viewing your profile.
If you remove this distraction, it will help swing the attention ratio of your profile in your favour. Flick the switch now.