The 'intro' section may be the only part of your profile that gets read. Make it count...
The pivotal part of your Polywork Profile. It needs to be there. It may be the only part of your profile visitors read.
Don't omit it: You are more than just the summary of your job experience, so tell us your story here, above everything else on your profile. Give us your elevator pitch.
Use the first 100 characters of your introduction section creatively, because that's what people will see BEFORE they trouble to click to 'Read more'.
Remember that the 'read more' link doesn't click itself. You are not always going to earn a click, so use the start to make people feel compelled to read on.
A snappy opening can make the difference as to whether profile visitors even bother to click, or read any further. If you don't grab their attention, they may simply not bother. That's your missed opportunity.
The opening 100 characters need to tell the reader the concise story of you. It's like an elevator pitch.
I want to hear how a Polywork Profile Surgery will power visibility and business development, make me look better, connect better, and bring me more business or get me a new job with 40% more money.
Remember, I am a fussy consumer used to instant gratification online. I want specifics. And I love testimonials and reviews.
In your activities posts, tell me a story about an instance where you really did your stuff. Or even better than that, have a customer tell the story of how you helped them.
Remember to add key tags to your activities where's there's a verb and a noun. You can create your own activities or choose from the suggestions for activities already on the platform.
If possible, add an example, testimonial or a recommendation from someone who is also on Polywork.
Write in the first person singular - "I". Don't use the third person "David Petherick makes you visible, legible..." - it's anachronistic and stilted.
You are having a virtual conversation with someone, one to one. Talk normally, and don't stuff this section with clichés or jargon.