What is your core skill? Where is your career headed?
Some people have more than one job.
Some people have more than one service they offer.
Some people do a lot of things very well.
Some people have multiple roles and responsibilities within their organisation.
But to be remembered, and to be recognised, you have to focus on talking about one thing.
LinkedIn had an estimated 1 billion members as at December 2023. The number grows by an estimated three per second. You are competing for attention with all of these people, and they all have limited attention spans, and limited capacity to recall what your special skill is.
So if you cite five separate roles or services in your headline, and have several current jobs, that makes it very difficult for people to focus on what makes you special.
The human mind finds it difficult to categorise a person into multiple roles. We like simplicity, brevity, and clarity.
In the same way, even if you have one role, and an absolutely self-evident job title, you should focus on showcasing the most interesting area of the work you do — the work you are good at — the work you'd like to do more of.
What is your speciality, your real area of expertise and authority?
So focus on one thing above all. Make that one thing the most visible, memorable and important thing on your profile.
You can talk about the other things you do on your profile, but make sure you focus on conveying one strong message about your abilities or services.